Matomo 3.13.1
Matomo 3.13.1:Matomo Analyticsの新しいリリースを発表します。
このリリースでは、いくつかのバグの修正、一部のユーザーに影響するユニークビジターの追跡のリグレッション、Matomoの追跡をわずかに高速化し、今後のChrome 80ブラウザーとの互換性を確保することに焦点を当てています。以下に、Matomo 3.13.1の最も重要な変更点を示します。
Chrome 80では、明示的な「SameSite」オプションを持たないすべてのCookieをデフォルトで「SameSite = Lax」に設定する予定です。これまではオプションのフラグでしたが、Chrome 80(2020年1月にリリース予定)ではデフォルトで有効になります。Matomo 3.13.1は完全に互換性があり、ブラウザコンソールの警告を表示しなくなります。

Matomo 3.13.1もPHP 7.4と完全に互換性があります。
このリリースは、最後のMatomo 3.xリリースである可能性があります。 Matomo 4.0.0の作業を開始しました。これは約3か月でリリースされる予定です。Matomo 4.0.0以前に対処すべきリグレッションまたは重要なバグがある場合、Matomo 3.13.2をリリースする可能性があります。
いつものように、多くの新しいデバイス検出ルール、新しいリファラースパマー、およびさまざまな言語での改善された翻訳を追加するのに役立ちました!フィードバックと提案を報告してくれたすべてのコミュニティメンバー、仕事のためのすばらしい翻訳者チーム、すばらしいサポートのためにプレミアム機能のお客様とMatomo Cloudホスティングのお客様に感謝しています。

- 質問やフィードバック(無料サポート)がある場合はフォーラムを使用してください。
- Matome Analyticsを最大限活用し、専門的なサポート(有料サポート)を受けるためにビジネスサポートチームにお問い合わせください。
- Matomoについての言葉を広げてください! ブログ、ウェブサイト、ツイッター、会議でのMatomo Analyticsの話、または友人や同僚にMatomoのことを知らせることができます。
- 既に1,000,000以上のウェブサイトがウェブ解析を解放しており、皆さんの助けを借りてコミュニティを成長させることができます!
- Matomoの言語を改善するには、翻訳に貢献することを検討してください。
- プロジェクトに寄付することで私たちの努力を支えてください。
SQLインジェクションの可能性を内部で見つけて修正しました。 リスクを回避するには、Matomoをアップグレードすることが非常に重要です。
セキュリティバグバウンティプログラムは、MatomoまたはMatomo / InnoCraftで作成されたプラグインで見つかったセキュリティの問題を発見し、責任を持って報告する研究者を歓迎し、報います。
Matomoはオープンな分析プラットフォームです。 Matomo開発者がコアAPIの改善と変更について学習できるように、前回のリリース以降の変更を文書化します。
この3.13.1リリースには、プラグインAPIの非推奨(機能)があります。 プラットフォームとAPIのすべての変更を確認するには、開発者向けプラットフォーム変更ログをご覧ください。
注:マーケットプレイスには、すでにMatomo 3と互換性のある100以上のプラグインがありますが、これはほんの始まりです。 Matomoはあなたの普遍的なデータ分析プラットフォームです!
iOS SDK [by @brototyp]
Android SDK [by @d4rken]
Matomo 3.13.1でクローズされた181のチケットリスト
- #539 Improve the New Vs Returning report [by @katebutler]
- #14395 Warning in Chrome console: A cookie was set without the SameSite attribute. [by @katebutler]
- #15338 Remove one SQL query during tracking requests for better performance
- #7691 Matomo might create too many visits when using userId feature
- #13347 Visitor maps not showing regions correctly in most countries
- #15308 MaxMind GeoIP DB no longer available / license changes etc [by @diosmosis]
- #15319 Allow using and auto-updating dbip databases and default to lite in the UI [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #14880 Visits with a User-Agent specified in ‘Website > Excluded User Agents’ are sometimes still tracked [by @katebutler]
- #15170 Wrong data in visitors overview over time [by @diosmosis]
- #15232 Malformed URL in real-time-visitors module [by @tsteur]
- #15320 Multiple unique visit for each action for same User ID
- #13387 Archiver should skip creating a new “temporary” archive when there was no new visit/traffic since the last “temporary archive” [by @diosmosis]
- #14540 warning Piwik.php(122): Warning – A non-numeric value encountered [by @katebutler, @diosmosis]
- #15202 Fix autocomplete for new productCategory segment [by @diosmosis]
- #15209 Too many cookies on one domain result in weird browser behaviour [by @tsteur]
- #15360 Mention guides on no data – set up tracking code page
- #15314 Updates device detector to 3.12.2 [by @sgiehl, @tsteur]
- #10351 Incompatible plugin notification only names one plugin
- #15118 Column Title alignment in Custom report is inconsistent [by @katebutler]
- #15200 Incorrect/corrupted number format in dashboards [by @sgiehl]
- #15205 spike after updating matomo to 3.13
- #15216 Our logo triggers lib png when sending scheduled report [by @Findus23]
- #15234 WARNING: core/Settings/Storage/Storage.php(86): Notice – Array to string conversion [by @katebutler]
- #15260 Fix error message when not correct token is used in API [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15264 Check site permission should check if site actually exists [by @tsteur]
- #15288 Even more php 7.4 errors [by @tsteur]
- #15294 MergeDataTables does not correctly merge if table2 has more data than table1 [by @diosmosis]
- #15296 Make sure unprocessed segment notification is still shown and include notifications in UI test. [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #15321 rememberConsentGiven only lasts for session
- #15376 Fixes warning for newer PHP versions [by @sgiehl, @tsteur]
- #15289 [automatic translation update] Updated 391 strings in 19 languages (zh-tw, da, de, el, es-ar, es, et, fa, fr, id, it, nb, nl, pl, pt-br, sq, sr, sv, tr) [by @sgiehl]
- #15365 [automatic translation update] Updated 207 strings in 13 languages (da, fr, ja, zh-tw, el, es-ar, pt-br, sq, tr, de, it, pt, lt) [by @sgiehl]
- #15389 [automatic translation update] Updated 139 strings in 8 languages (nl, de, el, es-ar, lt, pt-br, ru, tr) [by @sgiehl]
- #13210 Create automated test to make sure woff2 files are up to date [by @diosmosis]
- #15089 Remove the SiteSpecificUserAgentExcludeEnabled setting [by @katebutler, @tsteur]
- #15128 Show ‘new’ metrics on visitor engagement report/sparklines [by @katebutler, @tsteur]
- #15134 Fix header alignment for multi-dimension reports [by @katebutler, @tsteur]
- #15168 Fix region mappings for map widget where possible [by @sgiehl, @tsteur]
- #15184 Set a first-party cookie when user opts out of tracking [by @katebutler, @tsteur]
- #15185 Use appropriate SameSite values for cookies [by @katebutler, @tsteur]
- #15186 Use appropriate SameSite value for session cookie [by @katebutler, @tsteur]
- #15196 Add more debug info to archiving queries [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15197 tracker debug fixes in CLI command + extra logs for Lock [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #15204 another PHP 7.4 fix [by @Findus23, @tsteur]
- #15210 More PHP 7.4 warnings [by @tsteur]
- #15213 Add method to detect if we are running within Matomo for WordPress [by @tsteur]
- #15218 remove unnecessary number format in visit summary [by @sgiehl, @tsteur]
- #15222 Several PHP 7.4 fixes [by @brainfoolong, @tsteur]
- #15224 PHP 7.4 warning in ColumnDelete [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15231 If not truncating response in CronArchive, do not replace newlines w/ spaces. [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #15245 do not check licenses in development mode since it has no cache [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #15247 Don’t lock log_visit table to check if privilege is granted [by @tsteur]
- #15248 Make BulkTracking plugin always activated [by @katebutler, @tsteur]
- #15250 Prevent notice in installer enable_ssl not defined [by @tsteur, @sgiehl]
- #15251 Increase possible referrer name to 255 chars [by @sgiehl, @tsteur]
- #15252 Fix visitors overview ui test [by @sgiehl, @tsteur]
- #15255 Use PHP_BINDIR if other environment variables/constants are not present when looking for the PHP binary. [by @diosmosis]
- #15258 Trust cookie only when visitorId is set [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15263 New implementation of generateUniqId() using random_bytes() [by @katebutler, @tsteur]
- #15265 ProxySite related changes to let comparisons work properly [by @diosmosis]
- #15268 If fingers crossed handler is used make sure to print exception traces in CLI [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #15271 Add method to get errors in Cron archive [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15273 Google indexing matomo
- #15276 Fix mysql table name too long while archiving a segment [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15277 Remove output that can be ignored in climulti [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15285 Fix cli archiving might not work when using litespeed [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15297 Add tooltip to goal overview link. [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #15298 In EchoHandler print out formatted message, not just level and message. [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #15303 Don’t render goal when no goal name defined [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15305 Disable pivot by if comparison is enabled. [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #15309 Ignore disableCookie setting when giving consent / removing consent [by @tsteur, @mattab]
- #15313 Set secure flag for _pk_testcookies
- #15326 Removes deprecated Piwik font [by @sgiehl, @tsteur]
- #15329 If user is already super user, no need to set super user flag [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15330 Fix archiving when getmypid is disabled [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
- #15336 Prevent errors if limitVisits is <= 0. [by @diosmosis]
- #15370 Save concatenated less file on compiling error so we can better debug issues. [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #15377 Respect cookie config for the test (path, domain, isSecure flag) (#15313) [by @cundd, @tsteur]
- #15381 Add release channels 3.x-dev [by @tsteur]
- #51 Rebrand from Piwik to Matomo [by @sgiehl]
- #52 Prevent notice script_name not defined [by @tsteur]
- #53 PHP 7.4: Trying to access array offset on value of type null
- #54 Composer: Ambiguous class resolution, “PiwikTracker” was found in both.. [by @sgiehl]
- #55 Remove duplicate class PiwikTracker [by @madman-81, @sgiehl]
- #56 Add require block to define required extensions [by @peter279k, @sgiehl]
- #57 Ensure PiwikTracker and MatomoTracker are both available [by @sgiehl]
- #58 Mark package as compatible with PHP 7 [by @sgiehl, @tsteur]
- #205 JavaScript errors when domains are set
- #203 regenerate-released-containers create wrong MatomoConfiguration variable
- #209 EtrackerTag.web.js set Custom dimensions correctly [by @ben-dw, @tsteur]
- #216 Replace call to deprecated method Piwik\Piwik::doAsSuperUser [by @sgiehl, @tsteur]
- #15 bz2 archive format support
- #18 Add Bzip feature and description [by @peter279k, @tsteur]
- #20 Add archive examples to extract files [by @peter279k, @tsteur]
- #23 Update dependencies: Warning RedisCache.php(135): Deprecated – Function Redis::delete() is deprecated
- #24 Test enhancement [by @peter279k, @tsteur]
- #25 Removes unneeded files from package [by @sgiehl]
- #26 Added a decorator for setting a default timeout, and a decorator for setting a key prefix [by @ronyb29, @tsteur]
- #61 Allow empty url for [by @sgiehl]
- #62 Allow empty url for [by @sgiehl]
- #63 Allow empty urls for Baidu [by @sgiehl]
- #64 Adds AlohaFind search engine [by @sgiehl]
- #65 Allow empty url for [by @sgiehl]
- #66 Adds to list of Urls [by @sgiehl]
- #67 Improve detection of Sogou search engine [by @sgiehl]
- #68 Improves detection of [by @sgiehl]
- #69 Adds Gibiru search engine [by @sgiehl]
- #70 Adds search engine [by @sgiehl]
- #71 Adds search engine [by @sgiehl]
- #72 Adds Entireweb search engine [by @sgiehl]
- #5371 Tweak to supply json
- #6095 Adds detection for various bots [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6097 Detect devices for brands: ERGO, Samsung, Digma, Nomi, iZontron, Roadrover [by @sanchezzzhak, @sgiehl]
- #6101 Adds detection for Alba, General Mobile devices and improves detection for Blackview, Condor, LG, Mobicel, MyPhone, NUU Mobile, Oppo, Ulefone, Vodafone devices [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6102 Add detection for Ordissimo OS, Ordissimo brand, Ordissimo browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6103 Adds detection for Google Podcasts [by @sgiehl]
- #6104 Adds detection for Crusta browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6105 Adds detection for COS Browser browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6109 Adds detection console Nintendo Switch [by @sanchezzzhak, @sgiehl]
- #6110 Adds detection for EUI Browser browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6111 Adds detection fo Meizu Browser browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6112 Adds detection for Faux Browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6113 Adds detection for Aloha Browser Lite browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6114 Adds detection for Splash browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6115 Adds detection for Uzbl browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6116 Adds detection for browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6117 Adds detection for CCleaner browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6118 Adds detection for SalamWeb browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6119 Adds detection for Beamrise browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6120 Adds detection for Kinza browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6121 Fix Sleipnir browser detection [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6122 Fix NTENT Browser browser detection [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6123 Adds detection for Super Fast Browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6124 Adds detection for BlackHawk browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6125 Improves Iron browser version detection [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6126 Fix Kazehakase browser detection [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6127 Adds detection for Falkon browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6128 Adds detection for Tao Browser browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6129 Adds detection for Minimo browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6130 Adds detection for UBrowser browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6131 Adds detection for Opera GX browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6132 Add Firefox Focus and UC Browser Mini to mobile only browsers [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6133 Adds detection for UC Browser Turbo browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6134 Adds detection for mCent browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6135 Adds detection for Wear Internet Browser browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6136 Adds detection for Origyn Web Browser browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6137 Adds detection for SimpleBrowser browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6138 Adds detection for eZ Browser browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6139 Detect devices for brands: Google, OnePlus, Huawei, Vivo, LG,CVTE, Nobby, ZTE, Asus, Irbis, TrekStor, Digma, Oysters, BQ, Zopo … [by @sanchezzzhak, @sgiehl]
- #6141 oppo的手机都无法识别 [by @sgiehl]
- #6142 Adds detection for Lovense Browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6143 Adds detection for Delta Browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6144 Adds detection for AVG Secure Browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6145 Adds detection for START Internet Browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6146 Improves detection for Cốc Cốc bot [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6147 Adds detection for Firefox Reality browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl]
- #6148 Null Device for Vivo S5 [by @sgiehl]
- #6150 Adds detection for Music Player Daemon and mpv [by @poschi3, @sgiehl]
- #6151 Abandoned projects in composer.json
- #6153 Improves Chrome based device type detection [by @sgiehl]
- #6154 Adds detection for Google Go [by @sgiehl]
- #6155 Adds detection for Apple HomePod [by @sgiehl]
- #6156 Adds detection for more Advan devices [by @sgiehl]
- #6157 Adds detection for CastBox mobile app [by @sgiehl]
- #1150 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia]
- #1151 Block [by @henshaw, @spmedia]
- #1152 Block [by @henshaw, @spmedia]
- #1153 Block [by @henshaw, @spmedia]
- #1154 Block [by @henshaw, @spmedia]
- #1155 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia]
- #1156 Add [by @patrick-jay, @spmedia]
- #1157 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia]
- #1158 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia]
- #1160 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia]
- #1161 Add [by @fvdm, @spmedia]
- #1162 Add [by @fvdm, @spmedia]
- #1163 Add [by @fvdm, @spmedia]
- #1164 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia]
- #1165 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia]
- #1166 Added more spammers to the list [by @AaronVanGeffen, @spmedia]
私たちは一緒に、世界で最高のオープンな分析プラットフォームを作成しています。 Matomoに参加することで、Matomoをさらに素晴らしいものにすることができます!